01 -
Dissolve sugar in warm water and milk, whisk in yeast and ginger, let stand until foamy.
02 -
Stir in first cup of flour, then salt and oil. Add remaining flour gradually until dough pulls from bowl.
03 -
Knead by machine 5 minutes or by hand 10 minutes until smooth and elastic.
04 -
Place in oiled bowl, cover with damp cloth, let rise until doubled (about 1 hour).
05 -
Punch down, knead briefly, divide in half. Rest 5 minutes then shape into loaves.
06 -
Place in greased pans, brush with butter, let rise 30 minutes or until 1 inch above pans.
07 -
Bake at 350°F for 30 minutes until hollow-sounding when tapped.
08 -
For soft crust, butter tops and cover with towel while cooling.